Message From Executive Director – Has Time Changed For You?

Happy new year! 2024 is a time for growth and change.

Dear friends,

Has Time Changed For You?

CPC member Michelle Precourt recently posed this question on LinkedIn and received quite a range of responses. For many, time seems more fluid with days blending into each other. Some have busy days with many interruptions, while others are finding time but having difficulty focusing on new initiatives.

Get FREE professional development…

Many careerpros have told us that they are shifting focus to their own professional development. It’s a way to feel like they are doing something positive and productive. As a result, we’ve decided to open up some of our 2019 webinar recordings, featuring one webinar per month for four consecutive months. Register now to access the replay of Ethical Case Note Writing. This 90-minute recording and handouts will be made available at no cost to all careerpros through the month of May.

Work towards your CDP, CCS and CCDP…

Our online courses are filling up so quickly that we’ve decided to open up another round of Ethics and Theory sessions. These popular courses will take you on your path to completing CPC’s Career Development Practitioner (CDP) Training Program, getting your Certified Career Strategist (CCS) designation, and ultimately attaining your Certified Career Development Professional (CCDP). Members of CPC and approved provincial associations receive deep discounts. Register right away to reserve your spot!

Nominate yourself for an award…

As a careerpro, you have done some exceptional work this year. You’ve supported your clients with ethics and integrity. You’ve helped them through challenging career transitions. You deserve an award. CPC’s Awards of Excellence Program is meant to recognize you. I hope that you are already working on your Award of Excellence nomination. I do not want you to miss out on this benefit of membership. Please don’t feel shy about nominating yourself. Take a moment for yourself now and learn more about these awards and the nomination process. If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to me.

Get support anytime…

If you need connection and support through this unprecedented time, join us for our next CPC member “check-in” meeting. If you are not already a CPC member, feel free to connect with us and get support on our Facebook Group. If you are thinking of joining CPC, you should know that we’ve now extended our $50 discount on CPC membership through May 2020.

Tell me, how has time changed for you?

Please take a moment to check in with me by commenting below. Let me know how time has changed for you.

Keep safe and stay well.

Your number one fan,

Sharon Graham is founder and executive director of Career Professionals of Canada. Committed to setting the standard for excellence in the career development profession, Sharon has authored top selling paperback publications and textbooks, and has established a range of certification, professional development, community development, mentoring and award programs. As executive director of CPC, she provides foresight and leadership within sector and ensures that the mandate of this national organization is upheld with integrity.

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