Are Your Clients Running a Side Gig on Company Time?

July 28, 2023 |
Young woman in the office running a side gig from her full-time job.

Let’s face it. The number of people reporting having a side gig is on the rise, whether it’s to help meet financial obligations or to nurture their entrepreneurial side. With the rise of side gigs comes the increase of concerns from employers that employees are using company time and resources to run their business. Therefore, engaging in a conversation with our clients about the ethics of having a side gig, while also working a full-time job, may be well worth it. There are ways we can support them to be…

Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action for Career Development

June 12, 2020 |
Truth and reconciliation, hand-crafted bead work

For six years the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada documented Canada’s 120+ year-long history of Indian Residential Schools (IRS), exposing a legacy of physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse, the destruction of Indigenous families and communities, and the cultural genocide of Indigenous Peoples. Truth can be difficult to hear, and learning about Canada’s history of residential schools can be unsettling. A statement taken from the preface of the summary of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada acknowledges this: “The stories of that experience are sometimes…

Indigenous Peoples in Canada: A Primer for Career Development Professionals

March 13, 2020 |
Truth and reconciliation, hand-crafted bead work

There is a rich and diverse Indigenous population in the land that is now known as Canada. More than one-and-a-half million strong, Indigenous people make up the youngest and fastest growing population in Canada. Career practitioners have professional responsibilities to serve these clients in culturally appropriate ways. Building an understanding of Indigenous Peoples, culture, and issues in Canada is a critical first step to serving Indigenous clients and communities ethically. My Heritage Names are a representation of our identity, both individually — as in our personal names — and collectively,…

Client Confidentiality in the Canadian Careers Sector

October 13, 2017 |

By Maureen Farmer. Without a doubt, serving as a career professional is rewarding; helping people win a promotion, get a new job, or change careers is the pinnacle of success. In performing this vital work, you are trusted with important information, which you must keep confidential. As a business owner and career professional, I have noticed a phenomenon that alarms me: breach of client information. The inappropriate disclosure of client information can derail your client’s career as well as your business. Even an innocent conversation in a coffee shop, restaurant, or other public…

Why Ethics are Crucial to Delivering Career Services in Today’s Market

June 19, 2017 |

By Lori Jazvac. Have you ever found yourself in a perplexing situation where you had to choose between your client’s interests and your professionalism and integrity? In fact, you may have been faced with a few different potential choices and asked yourself, “Am I making the right choice in this particular situation?” and, “How will my choice affect the outcome for my client, my practice, and other stakeholders?” Self-Reflection on Ethical Dilemmas Do you recall writing the first draft of a resume to be told later by the client about…

Being Authentic

June 2, 2017 |

By Conny Lee. Being authentic means being true to who we really are – being honest and transparent. Being authentic helps you relate to your audience. Authenticity means: We know, or figure out, who we truly are, and what our values, interests, dreams, and strengths are. We find the courage to face the fear of not being liked or accepted. We stop conforming to who we believe we should be. We let our unique, individual self shine through. Some of the benefits of being authentic are that we are happier…