Message From Executive Director – Settling Into Our New Normal

CPC Family

Dear friends,

We hope that you and your family are keeping safe and healthy as we are all settling into our new normal.  At this time, many organizations are offering free, helpful webinars. Here are some recordings you can access now:

Financial Concerns

The Government of Canada is supporting small businesses, not-for-profits, and charities who are in need at this time with the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. This program will help us and many of our clients to get through these tough economic times.

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit is another program that will provide temporary income support to workers who have had to cease working because of COVID-19 and who expect to be without employment or self-employment opportunities.

Andrew Patricio of BizLaunch offers these pragmatic cash flow management tips for business owners. Feel free to share them with your clients:

  • Update your cash flow forecast and create new budgets.
  • Update your personal budget and only spend on necessities.
  • Make an appointment with your bank and see what they can do for you.
  • Cut overheads as much as possible.
  • Manage your inventory, avoid running out.
  • Manage your receivables, you need to get paid.
  • Contact your suppliers and see if they can extend your terms.
  • Review your supply contracts and see if you cancel if required.
  • Reconcile your bank and credit card statements.
  • See if you cancel any on-going expenses that you don’t need now.
  • Contact your landlord and ask for payment extensions or a rent reduction.
  • Try and identify new sources of revenue while you’re home.
  • Defer your tax payments.
  • Take advantage of government support.

You can sign up for a range of free Bizlaunch Webinars that help small businesses with their technology, marketing, and finance needs.

Practice Self-Care

Over the last few weeks I have seen so many career professionals step up:

  • You have shown perseverance, agility, and thoughtfulness.
  • You have taken charge of your career and your life.
  • You have persevered through many challenges.
  • You are taking your own professional development in your hands.
  • You are learning more about mental health and wellness.
  • You are hyper-focused on the health and welfare of everyone around you.
  • You are finding new and innovative ways to support your clients.

With your newfound skills in work-life balance, online technology, working remotely, and supporting clients with new challenges, you will emerge from this stronger than ever. In the meantime, please take good care of YOU.

Get Online Professional Development

While at home, many of our colleagues are working on their professional development goals. CPC’s online courses have been filling up quickly. So we’ve opened up additional sessions. CPC courses are like no other. They are fully facilitated and you receive a very rich interactive learning experience. You can access the course anytime of the day. You’ll work alongside many students from across Canada and you will be supported by your course instructor. CPC Members receive a 50% discount on all courses. Check our course schedule and pricing page for further details.

Apply for a Self-Study At-Home Certification

If you are an experienced career professional, this is a great time to get properly recognized with a CPC Certification. When you validate your expertise, you can put the associated letters after your name and insert the logo on your résumé:

You Deserve an Award

During challenging times, it’s often helpful to focus on something positive. You may have noticed that the 2020 CPC Awards of Excellence nomination deadline is rapidly approaching. Have you thought about nominating yourself for an award?

This is a very good time to reflect on your accomplishments over the past year and nominate yourself for up to three award categories. It is an honour to be nominated for an award, and even better to take one home. Don’t be shy. You can’t win unless you try. Take a moment for yourself now and learn more about these awards and the nomination process.

CPC Community Support

We are now running Zoom “check-in” meetings for members — at no cost — each Tuesday at 1pm Eastern. Please register for these events on our events schedule. Recordings can be found on our member portal. If you are not already a CPC member, you can get support on our Facebook Group.

For some people, volunteering to help our community is a helpful distraction from the daily news. We are already planning an initiative related to training on wellness and mental health. If you would like to contribute to this initiative, please touch base with me at

Keep safe and stay well.

Your number one fan,

Sharon Graham is founder and executive director of Career Professionals of Canada. Committed to setting the standard for excellence in the career development profession, Sharon has authored top selling paperback publications and textbooks, and has established a range of certification, professional development, community development, mentoring and award programs. As executive director of CPC, she provides foresight and leadership within sector and ensures that the mandate of this national organization is upheld with integrity.

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Sharon, I’m so impressed at how tirelessly you’ve been working to stay up-to-date and share information with members of CPC and its online community. Thank you!