Happy National Volunteer Week #NVW2017

April 25, 2017 |

By Sukhjit Singh. Happy National Volunteer Week #NVW2017, here is my gift to awesome #volunteers V-Power #MakeADifference #Canada150 #NewCdn #cdnimm We are cognizant that Canada would not be the country it is today without the peace and friendship of Nations indigenous to Canada, and the innumerable contributions of peoples from a diverse cultural mosaic. In recognition, as the country marks 150 years since confederation, we invite you to join us in celebrating Canada 150 PLUS.  

Today is Earth Day!

April 22, 2017 |
Celebrate Earth Day

Every year more than six million Canadians, including almost every school-aged child in Canada, take part in annual Earth Day celebrations. Take action and join this global movement to create a sustainable future. Check out Earth Day events in your area and add your event to the Earth Day Calendar.

Happy Canada Day! What’s your Canada?

July 1, 2016 |

Celebrate CANADA DAY (Fête du Canada), the birthday of Canada. On July 1, 1867, Canada became a new federation with its own constitution. We recognize this important day across the provinces and territories with parades, fireworks, and fun-filled outdoor events. You’ll find presentations, music, and many other activities in public centres across Canada. From coast to coast to coast, we celebrate our history and the achievements that define who we are as Canadians. What’s your Canada? What’s your Canada? Anson Henry on how everyone loves Canada What’s your Canada? Paul Martin…

Happy Hanukkah

December 6, 2015 |

The 8-day Hanukkah celebration begins at sundown this evening. Happy Hanukkah!