Introducing CPC’s Innovation Hub: Paving the Way for Youth

Plan International Canada, Girls Belong Here program

For a few years now, Career Professionals of Canada has had a tradition of donating to worthy causes sponsored by Plan International Canada. Last year, we helped fund a Solar-Powered Hub. Today, we have some exciting news to share. Our relationship with Plan International Canada is about to become deeper and more “hands-on” as CPC prepares to launch an Innovation Hub as part of Plan International Canada’s Girls Belong Here program. The focus of the Innovation Hub is Paving the Way for Youth.

What is an Innovation Hub?

Innovation hubs are social communities, workspaces, or research centres that provide subject-matter expertise on industry-specific insights, skills and knowledge, and trends. These hubs enable active knowledge transfer between business experts and researchers, and industry, government, and representatives of academia or special-interest groups.

Innovation Hubs are a driving force in generating new ideas and making them real. They are creative and energetic environments where participants discuss innovative thoughts, co-create concepts and prototypes, and deliver breakthrough solutions.

CPC’s Innovation Hub: Paving the Way for Youth

As career professionals, we have a passion for helping all clients create sustainable and resilient careers in this new world of work. As part of this work, we want to ensure that our young people are prepared for the world of tomorrow. But how do we prepare for that future today?

The topic of our Innovation Hub is Paving the Way for Youth. Our objective is to learn what career professionals must do to support young people as they prepare for the emerging world of work.

We want to enable youth to create the work and life they desire.

  • When young people know their value, they gain confidence.
  • When they explore their options, they can make informed choices.
  • When they plan their actions, they can attain reachable goals.
  • When they create their future, they are in control of their life and work.

This is a turning point for career professionals; an opportunity for us to better address economic, social, and cultural barriers that exist across Canada. It’s vital that we disrupt our old models and focus our services so that we are better equipped to serve clients, including the vitally important youth population.

How the Innovation Hub will Work

In early October 2021, representatives of CPC will come together with multiple youth participants from Plan’s Girls Belong Here program. The broad goal of this first meeting is to provide both groups an opportunity to get acquainted and to openly share and discuss experiences, assumptions, and implicit biases. CPC will make a presentation to the youth participants, introducing them to the association’s mission, vision, values, and objectives. Key concepts such as the career development model, trauma-informed care, and skills for success will be introduced.

Youth participants will be asked to reflect on, and provide answers to, a variety of questions such as:

  • How has the world of work changed since the beginning of the pandemic?
  • How have these changes affected you?
  • What kinds of challenges have you encountered?
  • What do you believe you need to succeed in the world of work?
  • How can we better help you prepare for tomorrow’s world of work?
  • How can we create sustainable and resilient careers in this new world of work?
  • How can we better address economic, social, and cultural barriers that exist?
  • What do we need to do to be better equipped to serve clients?
  • How can we be better allies and advocates for youth?
  • What should our call to action be for 2022?

CPC’s representatives will be listening carefully to the answers provided by the Girls Belong Here youth participants. The objective is to learn what we need to do to prepare CPC members to better serve our youth in their career development needs.

Next Steps

Canada Career Month takes place during November 2021 and this year our focus will be on our partnership with Plan International Canada, the Girls Belong Here program, and our Innovation Hub: Paving the Way for Youth. Stay tuned! Watch for updates on the CPC website and via the Career Connections eNewsletter.

We’ll be sharing insights, learnings, and ideas for innovative actions gathered through our collaboration with the trailblazing young women participating in the Innovation Hub through Plan International Canada’s Girls Belong Here program.

Cathy Milton, after a long career in the telecommunications industry, embarked on the path to becoming a résumé writer. She has been a member of CPC for 10 years now, and has earned the MCRS, MCIS, MCCS, MCES, and MCWS designations. Cathy is an advisor for CPC and the association’s Communications Manager. She is an avid sailor, a fairly decent cook, and active “pack member” in her pet menagerie.

Girls Belong Here  and Plan International logos provided courtesy of Plan International Canada

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