CPC Members Give Back

CPC members give back

Dear colleagues,

The holiday season is upon us once again. 2020 certainly was challenging and it caught many of us by surprise. We now find ourselves looking forward to a new year filled with promises of happiness and health.

As I take a look back, I am reminded of our welcoming community of members. Throughout this demanding year, we have been blessed by the generous efforts of our very responsive volunteers.

Career development is a helping profession and the work you do plays a great part in our mutual quest for social justice. You have performed innumerable acts of altruism and humanity. You have pivoted to ramp up your programs. You have supported the well-being of so many people by providing thoughtful services that are appropriate to their needs, circumstances, and interests. Your sincere and purposeful kindness gives great hope to your clients, colleagues, and so many others across Canada.

I would like to personally take this opportunity to thank all of you for being such a vital part of this community and for your ongoing support, encouraging CPC’s continued growth as “the place to be” for Canadian career practitioners.  Thank you for participating in our various events and forums. Your expertise and guidance have been indispensable assets to our organization and your insights are greatly appreciated. As a member-driven organization, we couldn’t do it without you and we wish you every success this season and beyond!

Inspired by the support and generosity of CPC’s professional members, we have made a donation to support a very special Gift of Hope program through Plan International Canada, a member of a global organization dedicated to advancing children’s rights and equality for girls.


In today’s world, living without energy access in rural regions can limit educational opportunities and employment potential. But, with a little sunshine and a drive to power innovative change, we can energize a solar success story for rural entrepreneurs. This ingenious gift establishes solar-powered kiosks for isolated communities, allowing them to access electricity to jump-start businesses and use critical information-sharing technology such as internet access and laptops. Women’s groups will manage the kiosks, which will in-turn support other women-led businesses. These brilliant kiosks will bring a new meaning to connectedness as they become hubs for community meetings and business training sessions.

This year, we have also provided our support to two additional Canadian programs that have continued to run throughout the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • UNITED WAY LEADERSHIP GIFT: Our donation supports positive group outings every month for 20 to 30 at-risk children and youth mentors.
  • HUMANE SOCIETY ESSENTIAL CARE: Our donation helps keep workers safe while rescuing and caring for the animals, and provides food, shelter, and medical services for those rescues.

With gratitude and wishing you every success this holiday season and in the new year! 

Stay safe, healthy, and happy.

Your number one fan. Always.


Executive Director | Career Professionals of Canada

Photo by Spyros Arsenis on 123RF


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