Happy Labour Day!

Happy Labour Day

In Canada, we celebrate Labour Day on the first Monday in September.

Labour Day is a national statutory holiday that was established in 1894. It originated with the first workers’ rallies of the Victorian era. Historically, workers marked the day with various activities, which included parades, speeches, games, amateur competitions, and picnics. The holiday promoted working-class solidarity and belonging during a time of rapid industrialization.

In current times, the holiday has come to symbolize the end of the summer season and a time when students are preparing to return to school. For many Canadians, it’s a time to enjoy some fun and relaxation before wrapping up summer holidays and re-focusing on work. They may make a last trip to the cottage, have a picnic, enjoy some fireworks, or stay at home to watch some football.

September is also “Update your Résumé Month.” This might be a great time to refresh your résumé!

Happy Labour Day!

Image by Freepik on Freepik


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