Career Professionals of Canada’s 10th Anniversary!


Message from Sharon Graham, Founder and Executive Director of Career Professionals of Canada.

Dear Colleagues,

Ten years ago, a small group of career professionals came together to network and share their experiences at a luncheon in Mississauga, Ontario. This pioneering group of practitioners became the founding members of Career Professionals of Canada. I am fortunate to ride along as CPC has evolved to become a leader in the Canadian Career Sector.

From the start, I have marvelled at the wide range of ideas, expertise, and services that career professionals bring to our workforce. After some prodding by my colleagues, I formally launched CPC as a volunteer-driven, member-run social enterprise in 2004. Since then, we have grown largely through the efforts and good reputation of our members.

It has been a humbling journey so far. I’m so very grateful to be part of such a worthy and noble profession. Working together, our members have created career success for people across Canada and beyond our borders.

Today, CPC is supported by a powerful group of volunteers. I am extremely grateful to the many career professionals who have dedicated much of their time towards our development and growth. A grassroots organization, we have a strong history of implementing cutting-edge innovations. I am so very proud of what our members have achieved – and yet, this is just the beginning.

If you are a career professional, I want to invite you to help us celebrate CPC’s 10th Anniversary. In recognition of this milestone, we will be rolling out two new initiatives – the kickoff of our Annual Survey of Career Professionals and a Virtual Career Summit that will take place during Canada Career Week in November. I hope that you take the opportunity to participate actively in these programs. I promise that if you join in, you’ll reap many benefits including personal and professional development.

As we step into our second decade, we are poised and ready to expand our programs and presence across Canada. I can’t wait to see what’s coming next. Thank you all for your dedication to CPC!

Your number one fan,


Join-Sharons-Network-with-SharonFounder and executive director of Career Professionals of Canada, Sharon Graham is committed to setting the standard for excellence in the industry. A leading authority on resume, interview, employment and career transition, through Career Professionals of Canada, Sharon provides career practitioners with tools and resources to enable them to provide exemplary services across the nation.

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