Work-Life Balance Primer


Work-life balance is important to career development in many ways — for careerpros and our clients. Here are three self-help articles that are sure to stimulate thought on how you can work towards gaining balance between your personal and professional lives.

Personal Time: How To Regain Balance In Your Life

Overview: Helps people to evaluate what is important to them and then how to use the time available accordingly. There are no simple answers to these questions. From an evaluation perspective, it would be possible to use this with individuals in career development. Ask yourself:

  1. What is important to me, and what would I like to have more of in my life?
  2. How can I make space for these things in my life?
  3. What are the things taking up too much space in my life?

Employment Search: A Definitive Guide To Finding A Job With Good Work Life Balance

Overview: This article  focuses on the job search process and what the job seeker needs regarding work/life balance. This tool can be used in career coaching. The focus is on Generation Y; however, it is relevant to all generations. Tips include:

  1. Finding the right career
  2. Gauging the company culture
  3. Asking questions during the interview process
  4. Determining what meets the needs of your lifestyle

Job Satisfaction: 8 Simple Steps to Work-Life Balance

Overview: This SlideShare provides a visual for approaching the challenges of creating work-life balance when working in a company. It recommends the following:

  1. Learn the company’s policies
  2. Communicate your availability to colleagues and managers (for example, you might declare weekends off-limits)
  3. Use technology to your advantage
  4. Telecommute
  5. Learn to say “no”
  6. Fight the guilt
  7. Rethink your idea of clean
  8. Protect your private time

If you’re committed to helping your clients gain balance in their personal and professional lives, prepare to work towards your Certified Work-Life Strategist (CWS) designation. This innovative CPC program — launching in 2021 — will enhance your credibility and visibility as a work-life coach.

Rachael Maxcy is a Certified Career Strategist and the owner of Custom Coach Strategy in Vancouver, BC.

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