The Value of Ongoing Training

CPC Career Training Professional Development Courses

By Stephanie Clark.

For many years the same thought rumbled through my head: “I want to write.” But, since I am a huge fiction reader, seldom without a novel on the go, I equated writing with fiction. Here’s the hard truth: I cannot write fiction for the life of me. Finally, a counsellor suggested taking a non-fiction writing course, and the rest, as the saying goes, is history. Well, almost. I took a certificate course in business writing after which I found Career Professional of Canada’s résumé writing and other certified career courses, and those finds launched me in my new career.

For some time, I was known as CPC’s “tele-class junkie.” (Affectionately known as such, I’m sure!) I took each and every course offered, sometimes twice. I know my learning style: repetition, variations on a theme, and different speakers—and then it “clicks.”

I continue to learn with on-line training courses, extensive self-study, and volunteering to write career-related articles (which forces additional research). There are many means to an end and each business person must find his or her own path — authentic to character, motivations, abilities, and “niche.”

The great thing about learning is that it bolsters confidence, adds industry-specific language to your vocabulary, and often takes you beyond beginner level quickly. In some cases, it adds credentials and, from a business perspective, gives you the basis on which to build your brand and increase your fees.

By the way, I’ve registered for CPC’s newest course: Self Employment for Career Practitioners hosted by Deirdre Pickerell. I’m sure to add one or more useful tips and hope that you’ll join too.

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