Strengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development: A Practitioner’s Guide

CERIC Publication Mental Health Guide

In the wake of a global mental health movement, career development practitioners now have a new resource to help them understand how career development interventions support positive mental health. Strengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development: A Practitioner’s Guidewritten by Dave Redekopp and Michael Huston of Life-Role Development Group Ltd. and published by CERICis available for free download.

The guide enables practitioners to connect career development services with clients’ mental health concerns while working ethically and inside the boundaries of their role and competence. The authors emphasize their focus is mental health, not mental illness, and address this distinction in the book.

Practitioners will be equipped with the skills and strategies to:

  • Improve the mental health impact of their services
  • Evaluate the mental health impact of their services
  • Communicate the mental health impact of their services to relevant stakeholders, including policymakers

The guide explores how practitioners do far more than help people prepare for, enter and navigate career pathways – they change people’s lives in ways that improve mental health and overall well-being. It encourages career development practitioners to recognize that they have always influenced mental health in their work; the big changes are in understanding and communicating the value of career development intervention and its role in strengthening mental health.

You can:

  • Learn more and download a free pdf of the guide at
  • Sign up for a free webinar with the authors on Friday, April 3 (Note: even if you’re not available that day all who register will receive the recording)
  • Read the review by Professor and former Dean of Education at Simon Fraser University, Dr Kris Magnusson, Mental health guide a must-have for career practitioners
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