By Stephanie Clark, Owner of New Leaf Resumes, www.newleafresumes.ca
I love to write and that is where I concentrate my marketing efforts. My first steps were to compose articles to post on EzineArticles.com, after which I added a weekly column for a local daily paper, to which I also added my own blog, an interview blog, and this peer-focused periodic blog with CPC. Oh yes, I also add my opinions to many questions posted on LinkedIn as well as those on our Forum.
I really enjoy writing!
And it is that love of the written word coupled with my CPC membership that led me to an awesome opportunity. You see, there was a call for someone to write an article on the importance of a strategic resume to accompany a business proposal submission for financing. Immediately I jumped on this and researched and wrote an article, which was then posted on Inceptive Solution’s website.
I thought that was that. But about a month later I received an email and then a phone call with an offer to join as a Partner in a new venture that will connect small entrepreneurs and angel investors. My role will be to provide a resume service.
My advice? Memberships are important and worthwhile, but you have to use them, work them, take advantage of them with active participation. And use your interests, talents and skills to develop a marketing strategy that works for you. Not everyone loves to write articles or blog; some enjoy public speaking or networking events; still others may prefer to sponsor events. Customize your marketing and then go for it! Pursue every opportunity – you can always decline if it’s not right, but if you don’t try, you simply don’t know what you might be missing.
Thank you Career Professionals of Canada for an awesome opportunity.
Well said, Stephanie.
Thank you for sharing this insightful post. It is an excellent reminder about the value of memberships and networks leading to opportunities.
My experience has been somewhat similar although in different capacities by participating in activities at CPC. In fact, to some extent it contributed to leaving full time employment to operate a home based business almost five years ago and continues to do so today.
Stephanie, congrats on the opportunity. This is just another proof that membership certainly has its privileges.
Good luck with the project.
Thank you for sharing your triumphs, Stephanie. Also for providing a solid example of how to refine your career as you grow.
Being able to recognize that one can find aspects of the job/career to be passionate about, stay motivated and continue to develop is one of the best ways to find those “opportunities”. So many of my young clients talk about how unfair their last boss was in “giving a leg up” to other employees, even when my client had more seniority or experience. They fail to realize that unless they show interest (and some aptitude) and a solid work ethic, alignment with the company, etc, they will continue to miss out. It isn’t favouritism, it’s reality.
The cream rises to the top. The CPC definitely has quite a rich dairy pitcher, so it is no surprise to me that our dedicated members have “surprising” success and “out of the blue” opportunities. They earn recognition and respect on a daily basis and put more of their hearta into their career than is normally seen.
Congratulations again, Stephanie. You deserve this opportunity and Inceptive is incredibly lucky to have you.
Thank you Wayne, Daisy and Michael for your warm words of congratulations. They are so very much appreciated. Much of what we do is performed in isolation. Triumphs, as Michael so aptly coined it, validate that our work has value, is noticed, and reaps benefits. My humble and heartfelt thanks. – Stephanie