My Search for Toll Free Phone Options

By Stephanie Clark.
Last summer, my husband and I moved to a small town. Mount Forest, our new hometown, has a scant 5000 inhabitants, a number that I suspect includes the odd ghost, pet or other hanger-on. Although small, it is big on country personality.
Along with its personality, we chose this location because it -unbelievably- boasts fiber optic cable service. This surety of internet availability made my transition to a 100 percent virtual business model that much simpler. Who knew that my search for a toll free telephone service would prove to be the greater challenge?
When I began researching, I posted a question on our CPC forum, soliciting advice and recommendations for toll free telephone number providers. Although I cannot recall the details now, I do remember that colleagues shared their experiences with services that seemed somewhat less than ideal. They were either expensive, convoluted, or without any added benefits.
My approach to most problems is this: I know there is an easier, better, faster, more straightforward, more affordable way. I’ve been likened to a bull dog; once I get an idea in my head, I don’t let go easily!
Following decidedly dismal responses from the usual phone service providers, my search intensified, and led me to stumble upon “Phone People.” Within five minutes of calling their contact number, and speaking with Michael Boyer, a most exemplary sales facilitator, I was signed up! (I call Michael a sales facilitator because that is precisely what he did: he made it so darn easy for me to buy!)
For $20/month (US), I have a dedicated toll free number (that matched my “vanity” number of 5627, JOBS), with 600 minutes of monthly usage, internet access to my account settings where I can adjust the hours of availability, and change my initial greeting and subsequent voice mail message.
My clients hear a very professional response when they call, and if they need to leave a message, it is emailed to me on an audio file! And by no means do I have a deluxe package; more options exist when I’m ready to step up my level of service. Amazing level of service and benefits. Kudos to the Phone People for getting it right. In fact, I wrote to them to say that I would like to emulate their level of service in my own business.
Another bonus? Our daughters, both of whom live outside our calling area, can use the toll free number.
For those of you contemplating a toll-free service, give the Phone People a call ( And if you are looking for another type of service and have found nothing but difficult, obstacle-laden, and overly expensive options, keep looking; I know that a good fit exists!