Flex Work and Telecommuting

Teleworking is on the rise. No longer just an occasional perk associated with a job, it is now a viable option for many workers. A flex work, telecommuting arrangement can benefit both the employer and the employee.
The global pandemic has certainly contributed to the rise in remote workers, but this trend has been around — and expanding — for years prior to this. According to an analysis performed by FlexJobs and Global Workplace Analytics, remote workers are more productive, healthier, and make more money. 26% of the remote workers surveyed earned more than $100k per year. Moreover, the average annual income for most telecommuters is $4,000 higher than that of non-telecommuters.
Here are some of the many reasons that this trend has been growing over the last decade:
- The war for talent is escalating and sometimes the best talent is not in geographical proximity. Teleworking is a way for a company to hire the best person for the job, not limited by location.
- A significant number of employers are using both flex work and teleworking as legitimate options for millennials who are seeking flexible schedules.
- Since many jobs are scarce, to preserve family unity, partners/spouses who must relocate ask their employer if they can work remotely in their current role.
- Teleworking lessens traffic, time, and stress spent in commuting, increasing productive work hours and decreasing employer costs for office space and work stations.
- Teleworking reduces the carbon footprint of the company and its employees.
Teleworking and flex job options can be viable, lucrative, and have meaningful impact, and this trend will likely continue to grow. So how can we help our clients land these roles?
Finding Telecommuting Opportunities
On Popular Job Banks
To identify telecommuting opportunities, include the following keywords when setting up alerts: “telecommuting,”“work from home,” “work at home,” telecommuting, telecommute, virtual, remote, “home based” and “home office.” The use of quotation marks is important because this pares down the listings that show both words, but separately.
On Twitter
Follow these hashtags: #workflex #hrtrends #worklifeleaders #telecommuting #telework #vmwork #flextime #worklife, and these users: @FWInews @flexjobs.
On the Web
Lists of top employers often mention if a company allows telecommuting opportunities. Two sites that may be helpful include:
- Canada’s Top Employers Lists: Click on Competitions and Family to access the list for Canada’s 25 Top Family Friendly employers, and click on the firms listed to read if telecommuting is a perk that is offered.
- Fortune Magazine’s Top 100 Employers: Click on “Best Perks” and “Telecommuting.”
Finally, consider that a position that starts out as office-based may later offer telecommuting perks, especially if a telecommuting program is already in place at the company. This may be a good item for a client to include on his or her list of items to discuss when negotiating an employment contract.
Job Search Tips For Remote Workers
- Expand your search beyond common job boards to include websites specifically targeting flexible/virtual work (see list below).
- Develop questions for your network on company culture and how work gets done within your target companies.
- Identify companies who have received the Sloan Award for work place efficiency and flexibility.
- Have a target list of employers recognized for workplace flexibility (suggested resource with over 400 companies: Killer Work from Home Jobs by Lee Evans).
- Identify recruiters who can partner in your search for companies that value flex fit options.
- Join one of the 600+ groups targeting work-from-home professionals at www.meetup.com.
- Find LinkedIn groups to join that could support your efforts for creating a Flex Work network. Try searching for Flex Work.
Additional Resources and Information
These sites are both for Canada and the U.S. Many U.S. companies hire cross border for their Canadian satellites.
- Flexjobs
- LinkUp Job Search Engine
- Toptal
- ContractWorld
- WAHM.com
- Rat Race Rebellion
- Work at Home Mom Revolution
- Jobs for Bloggers
- Blogging Pro Jobs
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety: Telework/Telecommuting Answer Sheet
- Life Meets Work: helps organizations become best-in-class workplaces through flexible work, telecommuting policies and workplace flexibility.
- Global Workplace Analytics
- Clarity Consultants: a lot of IT, training and courseware development type roles.
- Telecommuting For Dummies by Minda Zetlin
- Telecommuting Success by Michael Dziak
- Teleworking & Telecommuting by Jeffery D. Zbar
- 101 Tips for Telecommuters by Debra Dinnocenzo
- The Remote Workers Guide to Excellence by Eryck Dzotsi
- The Virtual Office Survival Handbook: What Telecommuters and Entrepreneurs Need to Succeed in Today’s Non-traditional Workplace by Alice Bredin
- Out Of Office: How To Work From Home, Telecommute or Workshift Successfully by Simon Salt
- Do What You Are by Tieger and Barron
- SimplyHired.com Work From Home Jobs: basic information to help a candidate understand and get started with a search. Tons of additional links with more information and tips.
- Will Half Of People Be Working Remotely By 2020?
By Lysa Appleton.
Thank you very much for this very insightful article. I will certainly use it as a resource as I expand my search for telework.
Hi Giselle,
Glad that you found value in this and good luck with your search. I would love to know if you come across other resources that I may have missed!
Very useful article and I will keep this information in my resource file for my clients who are looking for virtual opportunities. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Christine,
Happy to know that you found the resources of interest!
This is very timely information for me as I am researching alternative employment opportunities.
I will put these resources and strategies to work!
Currently, I am looking for a job. – Merry
Hi Merry, if you are looking for help with your job search, I would recommend you check out our member directory so that you can find a career development professional in your area: https://careerprocanada.ca/membership/member-directory/