CPC Member of the Week: Tanya Kett

Tanya Kett CPC Member of the Week

Tanya Kett is a career professional with almost 20 years of experience in both community and higher education settings, and a CPC member for over 10 years. Tanya is a Career Counsellor at McMaster University and part-time faculty at Conestoga College in the School of Interdisciplinary Studies where she teaches Career Management. She works with students and alumni who experience barriers to employment, instilling confidence, self-advocacy, and empowering them to successfully navigate transitions to achieve their professional goals. In 2022, Tanya was recognized by CPC with the Outstanding Career Professional award and by TalentEgg as a featured Career Coach. Credentials include a Master of Education, certificate in Career Development, Certified Professional Coach, and Certified Résumé Strategist. CPC Members Matter!

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