CPC Member of the Week: Donna Norcott

Donna Norcott, a Certified Career Strategist, has been a proud member of CPC for several years. Donna is endlessly fascinated by people’s life stories, their passions, and what drives them. Understanding their narratives is an essential aspect of her coaching approach. Donna considers the founding of her practice, Kaleidoscope Careers, located in Newfoundland and Labrador, one of her most significant professional achievements. Her primary focus is assisting clients in navigating change, pursuing fulfilling career paths that highlight their strengths, and fostering a healthy work-life balance. She takes immense pleasure in empowering her clients and witnessing their success as they recognize their abilities and pursue meaningful employment. With a background in HR, labour market facilitation, and career development, Donna brings 20 years of experience to her practice. CPC Members Matter!