NEW CPC Code of Professional Conduct
Career Professionals of Canada’s Code of Professional Conduct outlines our rules, standards, and ethical guidelines. This framework helps us to make thoughtful decisions, uphold the quality and integrity of the services we provide, and guide our behaviour.
CPC’s Code of Professional Conduct require that members follow certain principles, which enable us to be accountable to our profession and to the public:
- Principle 1: Ethics & Integrity
- Principle 2: Professionalism & Competence
- Principle 3: Diversity & Inclusion
- Principle 4: Community & Relationships
Access Career Professionals of Canada’s Code of Professional Conduct and the related principles here. By complying with this code, we protect ourselves, our employers, our colleagues, and our clients.
CPC’s Code of Professional Conduct replaces CPC’s Code of Standards and Ethics. It was informed by the National Competency Profile for Career Development Professionals and the Code of Ethics for Career Development Professionals.
- The National Competency Profile for Career Development Professionals is a reference for practitioners in their daily work. This is also used in training, professional development, and for provincial certification programs. The National Profile is specific to the work of a client-facing generalist who delivers service in a range of contexts to diverse clientele.
- The Code of Ethics for Career Development Professionals provides professional boundaries and practical directives for professional behaviour and practice for those who offer services in career development. It is designed to reflect the breadth and depth of the field as an essential component of the national competencies.
Special appreciation is extended to the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) for creating the National Profile and the Code of Ethics, the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) for their exemplary collaboration is building the new Code of Ethics, and the members of Career Professionals of Canada (CPC) for deploying our new Code of Professional Conduct.