Annual Report

Career Professionals of Canada's Annual Report provides you with a snapshot of our mission, vision, and impact. The annual report highlights our activities during the previous year and gives you insight into what lies ahead for our organization, our members, and our profession.

2023 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

CPC Historic Timeline

Since 2004

Career Professionals Embracing Technology to better support clients

100,000+ Connected Annually

We've connected thousands of job seekers and workers with qualified careerpros through our website and member directory.

CPC Newsletters

1000+ Newsletters Issued

We've provided careerpros across Canada with current career, interview, employment, résumé, lifeskills, and wellness information.

CPC CareerPros Supported

5000+ CareerPros Supported

We've provided training and support to new and experienced career professionals from all sectors and regions across Canada.

CPC Online Events

1000+ Events Run

We've run hundreds of courses, programs, video conferences, online conferences, webinars, and other events.

CPC Article Ideas

1500+ Articles Published

We've written and published articles with pertinent news, current information, and helpful tips related to our profession.

CPC Award Winner

300+ Awards Given

We've recognized careerpros for their experience, talents, and reputations through our Awards of Excellence program.

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