Regional Resources
Here are some links to helpful websites for career practitioners and their clients across Canada. If you are a career practitioner and you want resources for your local labour market, then make sure to bookmark these sites.
Associations for Career Practitioners
- Career Development Association of Alberta (CDAA): Provincial career development association.
- Private Career Development Contractors Association of Alberta: A group of professional service providers in the Career and Employment development field.
Education and Training for Career Practitioners
- University of Calgary: Career and Academic Advising Certificate, Certificate in Adult Learning specializing in Career and Academic Advising.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Alberta Learning Information Centre: Career planning, education, and jobs.
- Alberta Wage and Salary Survey: Wage and salary information for occupations in Alberta.
- Alberta Job Centre: Search jobs in Alberta.
- Directions for Immigrants in Trades and Professional Careers: Information to help internationally educated professionals to secure employment and gain accreditation in their field.
- Employment, career development and job search resources for youth.
- Skills Canada Alberta (SCA): Information about skilled trades and technical careers.
Education and Training for Clients
- Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions: Publicly funded institutions, private career training institutions, and other institutions with approved degrees.
Association for Career Practitioners
- BC Career Development Association: Provincial career development association.
Education and Training for Career Practitioners
- Douglas College: Career Development Practice Certificate Program.
- Life Strategies: Career Management Professional Program.
- Simon Fraser University: Career Development Practitioner Certificate Program.
Specialty Sites for Career Practitioners
- BC Centre for Employment Excellence: Connects the BC employment services sector and the employer community.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC: Employment and volunteer opportunities in the settlement sector.
- BC Community Newspaper Classifieds: Employment listings from BC communities.
- BC Jobs: British Columbia job board.
- Career Trek: Videos of 95 careers in BC.
- LocalWorkBC: Source for local jobs in BC.
- Welcome BC: Employment information for immigrants, newcomers and temporary foreign workers.
- WorkBC: Labour market trends, Blueprint Builder online career planning tool, career profiles and more.
Career Education and Training for Clients
- Education Planner: Compare post-secondary programs in BC.
- Industry Training Authority of BC: Determine appropriate trades for apprentices.
- Private Training Institution Directory: Find a private career training institution in BC.
Associations for Career Practitioners
- Manitoba Association of Career Development (MACD): Provincial career development association.
- Manitoba School Counsellors’ Association (MSCA): A special area group of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society, made up of individuals working or interested in the field of guidance and counselling.
Education and Training for Career Practitioners
- Université de Saint-Boniface: Maîtrise en education.
- Winnipeg Transition Centre: Career/Employment coach Certificate.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Find My Job Manitoba: Comprehensive job search tool.
- Manitoba Career Prospects: Information about opportunities, employers and industries in Manitoba.
- Province of Manitoba Labour Market Information (LMI): Publications and economic indicators.
- Trade Up Manitoba: Information about skilled trades and other careers in construction.
Education and Training for Clients
- Apprenticeship Manitoba: Information about apprenticeship programs and trades.
- Private vocational institutions: Employment training in a wide range of occupational fields.
- Universities and colleges: Public post-secondary education institutions.
Association for Career Practitioners
- New Brunswick Career Development Action Group: A non-profit partnership organization committed to career development in New Brunswick.
Education and Training for Career Practitioners
- New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour: Employment Counsellor Training Strategy (delivered by the Canadian Career Development Foundation).
- Université de Moncton: Maîtrise en orientation.
- University of New Brunswick: Masters of Education in Counselling.
- Yorkville University: Career Management Professional Program.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Labour Market Information: Occupational profiles, job market trends, and sectoral, industrial, and regional information.
- Provincial job bank for New Brunswick.
- Welcome NB: Employment information for immigrants and temporary workers.
Career Education and Training for Clients
- Apprenticeship and Trades: Designated occupations, certification, legislation and financial assistance.
- Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour: Universities, public colleges, and private career colleges.
Association for Career Practitioners
- Newfoundland & Labrador Association of Career Practitioners (NLACP): Provincial career development association.
Education and Training for Career Practitioners
- Memorial University: Master of Education in Counselling Psychology.
Specialty Sites for Career Practitioners
- Employment Collaboration: An initiative that links community agencies working in the area of employment in the Avalon Region, NL.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Newfoundland & Labrador: Labour Market Information.
- Welcome to Newfoundland and Labrador: Information for newcomers about the local labour market, starting a business, and credential recognition.
Education and Training for Clients
- Apprenticeship & Trades Certification Division (ATCD): Apprenticeship and Certification programs for those pursuing a career in a skilled trade.
- Provincial Post-Secondary Offerings List: Current post-secondary programs of study in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Labour Force Activity: Monthly and yearly labour force surveys.
- NWT Job Futures: Career information and occupational profiles.
Education and Training for Clients
- Aurora College: Certificate, diploma and degree programs offered at three campuses.
- Collège Nordique Francophone (CNF): A French post-secondary institution with headquarters in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.
- Northwest Territories Education, Culture and Employment: Apprenticeship, Trades and Occupation Certification.
Association for Career Practitioners
- Nova Scotia Career Development Association: Provincial career development association.
Education and Training for Career Practitioners
- Acadia University: Master of Education in Counselling.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Careers Nova Scotia: Labour market information, job profiles, job postings, and career planning strategies.
- CREAM: Current career opportunities.
- Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia: Employment opportunities for immigrants.
Education and Training for Clients
- Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency: Information about skilled trades and apprenticeship programs.
- Private Career Colleges: Listing of registered colleges offering occupational training in a wide range of fields.
- Study Nova Scotia: Universities and colleges in Nova Scotia.
Education and Training for Career Practitioners
- Nunavut Arctic College: Career Development Practitioner Certificate Program (delivered by the Canadian Career Development Foundation).
- PINASUUTITSAQ | Reference Guide for Career Development Counsellors Working with Inuit Clients | RQuODE
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Northern News Services: Employment listings from newspapers in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.
- Nunatsiaq Online: Employment opportunities.
Education and Training for Clients
- Nunavut Arctic College: 5 campuses and 25 community learning centres throughout Nunavut.
- Nunavut Department of Family Services: Apprenticeship, Trades and Occupations Certification.
Associations for Career Practitioners
- Career Development Practitioners’ Certification Board of Ontario (CDPCBO): A non-profit corporation which oversees the certification process in Ontario.
- FirstWork (OAYEC): Support network for career practitioners working in the youth employment sector.
- Ontario School Counsellors Association (OSCA): leadership and support in Guidance and Career Education for Guidance Teacher-Counsellors.
Education and Training for Career Practitioners
- Conestoga College: Career Development Practitioner Program.
- Fanshawe College: Career Development Practitioner Program.
- Mohawk College: Career Consultant Certificate.
- University of Ottawa: Masters of Education (MA(Ed) / MEd) with Concentration in Educational Counselling.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Job Market Trends and News: Local and regional labour market events and announcements.
- Ontario Job Futures: Information on current trends and future outlook for approximately 200 occupations common to Ontario.
- Ontario Skills Passport (OSP): Descriptions of Essential Skills and work habits important for success in work, learning and life.
- Workforce Planning Boards: Resources relevant to training, employment and labour force information in communities throughout Ontario.
Education and Training for Clients
- Ontario Colleges: Information on earning a college degree, diploma, certificate or apprenticeship in Ontario.
- Ontario Universities: Information about applying to and attending university in Ontario.
Associations for Career Practitioners
- Career Development Association of PEI, Inc.: Provincial career development association.
Education and Training for Career Practitioners
- Dalhousie University: Certificate programs in Employment and Career Development Services.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Employ PEI: Current employment opportunities.
- The Employment Journey on PEI: Job news, job openings, events, and labour market information.
- PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada: Guide to qualification recognition, job search, Canadian workplace culture, and starting a business.
- Work PEI: Job postings, occupational profiles, and economic indicators.
Education and Training for Clients
- Prince Edward Island Department of Workforce and Advanced Learning: Information about apprenticeship, training, and certification.
- Post-Secondary Institutions: Listing of university and college profiles.
- Private Training Schools Registered in PEI
Associations for Career Practitioners
- Regroupement québécois des organismes pour le développement de l’employabilité (RQuODE): Provincial career development association.
Education and Training for Career Practitioners
- McGill University: MA in Counselling Psychology.L
- Université de Sherbrooke: Baccalauréat en orientation, Maîtrise en orientation.
- Université du Québec à Montréal: Baccalauréat en développement de carrière, Maîtrise en carriérologie.
- Université Laval: Baccalauréat en orientation, Maîtrise en sciences de l’orientation, Doctorat en sciences de l’orientation.
Specialty Sites for Career Practitioners
- Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec (OCCOQ): Professional development and job postings for guidance and career counsellors.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Emploi Québec: Labour market information and tools for job seekers.
- Job Futures Quebec: Job descriptions, statistics and forecasts.
- JobBoom: Employment opportunities and information about training available in Quebec.
Education and Training for Clients
- Education et Enseignement supérieur Québec: List of Quebec universities.
- Fédération des cégeps: A directory of public colleges in Quebec.
- Inforouteftp: Information about vocational and technical training in Quebec.
Associations for Career Practitioners
- Saskatchewan Career Work Education Association: Provincial career development association.
Education and Training for Career Practitioners
- Saskatchewan Polytechnic: Recognition of Prior Learning Practitioner Certificate Program.
- University of Saskatchewan: Post-Degree Certificate in Career and Guidance Studies.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- SaskJobs: Job postings and career resources.
Education and Training for Clients
- Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission: Apprenticeship news and resources, including information about designated trades, technical training, and application forms.
Careers and Employment for Clients
- Employment Central: Job listings and news.
- Yukon Labour Market Information: Employment statistics.
- YuWIN: Yukon information about current jobs, the labour market, and career planning.
Education and Training for Clients
- Yukon College: 13 community campuses across Yukon.
- Yukon Government: Information about trades and apprenticeship.
Working Together for Career Success