CPC Liability Insurance

CPC Member Benefit
Members of Career Professionals of Canada are eligible to purchase Canadian Counsellors Liability Insurance through Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. Career Professionals of Canada is a member of the Canadian Council for Career Development (CCCD) and qualifies under CATEGORY A of the program.
Professional Liability Insurance and Commercial General Liability Insurance is available to members of Career Professionals of Canada through AON’s Canadian Counsellors Liability Insurance Program. When purchased independently, such insurance can be quite expensive. Members of Career Professionals of Canada can take advantage of a reduced premium.
Professional Liability Insurance is a form of protection for career practitioners and for their clients. Members can protect themselves and their businesses from lawsuits related to the provision of professional services. This policy covers errors, omissions or negligent acts that may arise from the normal or usual duties carried out by the Insured. Coverage will shield personal assets and help maintain a good reputation through the defense of allegations of wrongdoing which might be frivolous or false. For the client who has suffered some damages through the actions of a counsellor, liability insurance will ensure that there are adequate funds available to make amends for the wrong that has been done to them.
Commercial General Liability Insurance protects the career service from lawsuits involving bodily injuries that occur within your workplace, and injuries or damages caused by your employees elsewhere.
The program is open to all types of Counsellors, including Career Development Practitioners. The counselling practice demands personal interaction with people on a daily basis. As a Counsellor, you regularly face situations where you are open to the possibility of lawsuits and significant defence costs. Your clients can hold you responsible for negligence or mistakes arising from the performance of your counselling services.
Career Professionals of Canada is a member of the Canadian Council for Career Development (3CD.) Career Development Practitioners who are members of CPC qualify under CATEGORY A of the Canadian Counsellors Liability Insurance Program.
More details can be found on AON's website.
Not a CPC Member?
Become a CPC Member and qualify for the Liability Insurance Program.