Member Feature – Vera Tachtaul

CPC Career Professionals of Canada News

Shortly after completing her internship within the Career Development Department at Herzing College, Vera Tachtaul was offered the position of Career Development Specialist. 

Vera has leveraged her Certified Resume Strategist (CRS) certification, and further training and support at Herzing, to commit fully to providing career planning services and advice to students and graduates. 

Vera developed and delivered a Professional Development module (a mandatory course which helps students prepare for employment, conduct a successful campaign to find employment, and be successful in their careers). Topics covered in the module are the preparation of a resume, cover letter, and a thank you letter, interview techniques, mock interviews, resume critique and proofreading of documents.  These topics are instrumental in helping to ensure success for the students at Herzing College. 

Check Vera and Herzing College out at

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