The Inside Scoop on CPC’s Facebook Group


By Marian Bernard of The Regency Group.

“I’m always looking for opportunities to connect and share industry insights with fellow career professionals – [Career Professionals of Canada’s] Facebook Group allows just that. I can post a question or insight and typically read feedback within hours. I love the themed days and enjoy contributing to and reading the responses and feedback from other colleagues. The group allows me to interact and expand my knowledge and keep up to date on industry trends through my association with other career professionals.” – Christine Cristiano, CDP, CCS, CLC of Ideal Career Services.

Since its humble beginnings in mid 2017, our CPC Facebook Group has elevated its membership from the 7 original moderators and administrators to 200+ in just over 6 months!

In the group’s early days, the goal was to encourage a steady stream of posts from members; that’s why the organizers came up with the following themes:

  • Motivational Mondays: Motivational quotes are posted and group members comment on how those quotes resonate with them.
  • Tricky-Situation Tuesdays: Career challenges are described and members of the group offer possible solutions.
  • Wisdom Wednesdays: Members discuss innovations, ideas, and technologies (e.g., websites or apps) that we can use to make our individual businesses hum like well-oiled machines.
  • Throwback Thursdays: Pictures of previous career events we’ve participated in are posted, infusing a humorous “back-in-the-day” vibe to our messages.
  • Free-for-all Fridays: We post whatever is on our minds – within reasonable and tasteful limits, of course!

In seemingly record time, active participation in our Facebook group has become a daily “to-do” item among dozens of members. Informational pearls of wisdom are freely shared and, based on member testimonials, these often provide invaluable insights and assistance. The group’s posts tend to fall into one of the following categories:

  • Best practices are described based on what members have learned running their own businesses.
  • Client challenges are revealed and members offer potential solutions. These discussions deliver the additional benefit of providing a safe place to vent, if needed.
  • Articles are freely shared and events are publicized, offering opportunities to fortify our education in order to better serve our clients.
  • Congratulatory messages are sent to members for achievements and milestones they have reached.
  • Humour is frequently injected into our potentially stressful work days.

Let me wrap up this article with two additional testimonials describing our Facebook group:

“While I am not on FB often, I do pop in to catch up on a few posts here and there. Today I thought of how beneficial the page seems to be to the group since its creation. Response times, advice and feedback are almost immediate. More engagement is what we had envisioned when we discussed starting a FB group. Way to go CPC-ites! Membership does have its privileges.” – Daisy Wright, CRS, CSR, CCMC, CCM, CDP, BA of The Wright Career Solution.

” … This FB group of Career Pros is such a benefit for all members. It really goes to show that Career Professionals [of Canada] genuinely supports and encourages the success of everyone, colleagues included. Love this group!” – Kamee Gilmore, CRS of Paradigm Résumé & Career Services.

Join our CPC Facebook Group NOW if you want to (1) accelerate your learning curve and (2) ultimately position yourself as a “go-to resource” among your colleagues!

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