How to Invest in Your Body, Mind, and Spirit Bank Accounts

With life gradually returning to normal after COVID, some people report that they’re having difficulty adjusting. Some feel exhausted, unmotivated, unsettled, anxious, and perhaps even depressed. For the last two years, all of us have had to draw heavily on our physical and emotional resources. But, let’s face it, those resources are not limitless! Think of the different aspects of yourself as being similar to a bank account; you can’t maintain a healthy account if you continuously make withdrawals. It’s vital to focus on making deposits to keep your reserves topped-up. I’d like to share some ways you—and your clients—can invest in your body, mind, and spirit “bank accounts” to keep each one in a healthy, positive state.
Invest in Your Body’s Bank Account
- Sleep: Make sure you get at least 7-9 hours of sleep; it helps you focus, gives you more energy, and puts you in a good position for making effective decisions throughout the day. Make sleep a priority.
- Food: Eat healthy, fresh food; protein, fruits, and vegetables. Don’t forget that how you prepare your meals affects your digestive system and the quality of the nutrients contained in your foods. Be sure to drink lots of water, too!
- Practice Forgiveness: Studies show that forgiveness can reap significant rewards for your overall health. Send loving wishes and thoughts to those who have hurt you. I know this can be very hard to do, but DO IT ANYWAY as an exercise to improve your well-being.
- Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity is probably one of the most important things you can do to improve the health of your body. As a side benefit, it can also improve brain health! Make sure to balance the cardio and strength training with calming relaxation techniques to avoid burning out your nervous system. In addition to helping you manage body weight, exercising regularly will:
- Help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age.
- Reduce your risk of heart diseases.
- Improve your mental health and mood by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative moods.
- Improve your self-esteem and cognitive function.
- Help your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels.
Invest in Your Mind’s Bank Account
- Just as the quality of food you eat affects your body, it also affects your brain. Be aware of the type and the quality of food you eat. Avoid fast, sugary, and highly processed foods which can make your mind sluggish and foggy. You are what you eat! Better Brain Health, a 42-minute documentary, shows the effect food has on our body and brain.
- Meditate, either sitting or while doing a mindful, slow walk. Starting your day with sitting meditation, even for 10 minutes, will influence the quality of your state of mind and how you handle pressure and adversity. A quick Google search reveals many scientific studies that explore how meditation benefits the mind.
- Slow down and practice mindfulness regularly; observe your thoughts without identifying with them. This will help you connect to the present moment and increase self-awareness.
- Journal and reflect daily. Doing so will help you clear your mind of unhealthy thoughts and improve your memory ass you record daily life-work experiences.
- Have a gratitude list. There is scientific evidence of the benefits of practicing gratitude.
Invest in Your Spirit’s Bank Account
Collins English Dictionary defines spirit this way: “Your spirit is the part of you that is not physical and that consists of your character and feelings.”
You can connect with your spirit when you:
- Practice Yoga: Yogapedia tells us, “The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj, meaning “to yoke,” or “to unite. The practice aims to create union between body, mind, and spirit, as well as between the individual self and universal consciousness. Such a union tends to neutralize ego-driven thoughts and behaviours, creating a sense of spiritual awakening.” Surveys and research provide evidence of the multiple benefits of yoga, including how practicing it is sometimes used as preventative medicine, treatment for certain conditions and diseases, and wellness in general. Psychologists are examining the use of yoga with trauma survivors and finding it may even be more effective than some psychotherapy techniques. Many folks, especially in North America, think of yoga as a physical exercise; many don’t know that physical exercise is one of the Eight Limbs of Yoga in Hindu philosophy. The Eight Limbs are:
- YAMA – Restraints, moral disciplines, or moral vows
- NIYAMA – Positive duties or observances
- ASANA – Posture, physical exercise
- PRANAYAMA – Breathing techniques
- PRATYAHARA – Sense withdrawal
- DHARANA – Focused concentration
- DHYANA – Meditative absorption
- SAMADHI – Bliss or enlightenment
- Meditate: There is scientific evidence of the benefits of meditation and its effect on overall mental health, emotional and spiritual health, and general well-being.
- Be Creative: Dance, sing, play a musical instrument, paint, write; be creative in whatever way you connect with. This helps you connect to your right brain and balance out the sometimes overused left brain, which can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction.
- Walk Silently in Nature: Doing so will help you appreciate the calming sound of silence and teach you to feel comfortable doing and saying absolutely nothing.
- Say a Prayer: Praying is not strictly tied to religion. Whatever form it takes for you, praying can bring peace and stimulate positive emotions.
- Practice Self-Reflection: Self-study and self-inquiry will help you know and understand yourself and others better.
- Develop Your Spirituality: Spirituality, which differs from religion, is highly personal and different for everyone. Exploring the spiritual side of yourself can bring meaning and purpose to your life.
- Connect to Your Higher Power: Finding your connection to something greater than yourself can reveal your true motivation for living.
Connecting to the spiritual aspect of yourself will help you become whole, finding meaning and fulfilment as you strive toward self-actualization and transcendence. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the desire to attain self-actualization is essential for growth and realizing your full potential. Once you connect with your spirit—your higher self—your energy and everything around you will shift to a more elevated state of being.
Lama Shaath is a Career Development Practitioner (CDP), Certified Career Strategist (CCS), Certified Work-Life Strategist (CWS), Certified Transformational Coach, and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Practitioner. Combined with her complementary experience in the health, fitness, and well-being industry, Lama has more than 17 years of experience. She is the creator and founder of Lama Shaath Mine Your Inner Power Coaching. Connect with Lama on LinkedIn.
Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash
Lama, thank you so much for this! Like many others, during the pandemic I found ways to keep my mind and my schedule full, and although I missed social activities, it’s been overwhelming to start fitting them in along with all the stuff I’ve been doing (and enjoying). Not to mention that I’m now two years older and have a little less stamina! I will be re-reading this as I feel my way through our “new” world.
Lama, I re-posted this article and photo on my LinkedIn Page. You’ve mentioned a lot of good tips to stay healthy and alert. Thank you Lama. I look forward to meeting you in person in 2023, sometime.