Excitement is Stirring!

CPC Career Professionals of Canada News

By Stephanie Clark.

Something is stirring in the world. Our global human community – supported and connected by the Internet – is determining its place, finding a balance, and stirring to action. It’s exciting!

Just last week I met two women from the U.K. I met the first during a webinar that included a vast audience of almost 1,000 participants; we were randomly paired to chat about why we were on the call (– the wonders of technology!) I met the other via LinkedIn where she had invited me to “link-up.” Both were like-minded women and I feel like I have new friends.

Working as online career practitioners, we have access to global clientele. And recent articles hint at a future with more people searching for work overseas, taking advantage of fluctuating economies within our global village.

Are you preparing for this?

I have worked with people from Germany, Switzerland, and New Zealand who dreamed of immigrating to Canada and work here now. I have yet to assist a Canadian who would like to work elsewhere, but I would like to be ready.

We must prepare ourselves with knowledge of other countries’ cultural norms as they impact resume, interview, and job search standards. For example, writing for an Asian audience means focusing more on team performance, rather than “tooting one’s own horn.” Some cultures frown upon expressions of self-congratulations.

Knowing how to coach our clients on self-promotion in promotion-shy countries may evolve into a new niche soon. Perhaps this is a topic for our soon-to-be-available Live Exchange Forum?

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