Easier Than Ever to Find a Forests Job Match

News Feature

It’s a vital industry with a presence right across the country. Its history is as long and storied as its future is bright and promising, with increasingly innovative products ranging from biofuels to cosmetics. It also plays an important role in the response to climate change, while enjoying globally recognized environmental leadership.

The Forest Products Association of Canada has just launched the the Greenest Workforce Job Match Tool  with funding from the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Initiatives Program. Job seekers can browse available jobs, register and become part of a search-able talent bank, and get matched with and apply for positions. The tool is free to use, and a great addition to any job search strategy. It’s also a great new recruitment tool for employers.

Site visitors can also find a wealth of information on the diverse jobs available within the forest products industry, and on the many career and lifestyle advantages that come with working in it. So if you or someone you know is interested in joining Canada’s Greenest Workforce, there’s no better way to explore and find a job match. Check it all out at: www.theGreenestWorkforce.ca.


The launch of the Greenest Workforce Job Match Tool will make it easier for people to find rewarding employment in Canada’s forest products industry. This tool is ready to use now, and we would like to ensure that organizations representing or serving people with any of the highly varied skills needed within our sector are aware of it.

The Job Match Tool was developed with funding from the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Initiatives Program and is free of charge to users. Job seekers can browse available jobs, create a Talent Bank profile that employers can browse, and be automatically matched with openings.

You may also have an interest in sophisticated Labour Market Information capabilities that the tool provides. You can generate industry-specific trends and forecasts, and data on current openings, for specific jobs at specific locations.

To ensure that job seekers across the country get the maximum benefit from this important new tool:

  • Please email fmcdonald@fpac.ca to confirm the attendance of a representative of your organization on an upcoming webinar at which we will fully overview the tool’s many features. We have scheduled webinars for career advisors and related professionals on May 27th (in French) and May 30th (in English) at 1:30-3:00 EST on each date.
  • Please consider opportunities to distribute and make use of the attached promotional materials at any of your service delivery locations, and advise us of the numbers of these materials you could make use of. These materials will be available following a public announcement in approximately mid-June.

This new tool builds upon the Forest Products Association of Canada’s long-standing Greenest Workforce career awareness campaign. With a presence across the country, and globally recognized environmental leadership, our industry is transforming for the future and is mid-way through a decade-long 60,000-person hiring drive.

Specific questions you may have can be directed to the project manager, Bob Larocque (rlarocque@fpac.ca). The Greenest Workforce Job Match LinkedIn Group is also an excellent means way to stay informed on this new initiative.

To request logo or other visuals: fmcdonald@fpac.ca

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