CPC Member Appreciation – November 2015
” Our field – career development – is in my view one of the most essential, vital services and we as career practitioners have critically important contributions to make to our individual clients, our communities and our country’s socio-economic health.“
Sareena Hopkins ~ Executive Director Canadian Career Development Foundation.
Keynote Speaker at CAREERPRO 2015 Career Development Conference
Welcome to our new PROFESSIONAL Members:
- Angelina Vojinovic
- Christine Demcie
- Ignes Kusuma
- Kimberly Karrer
- Kristin Vandegriend
- Mine Gönden
Thank you to our renewing PROFESSIONAL Members:
- Anoma Mudalige
- Catherine LeBrun
- Christine Cristiano
- David Quinn
- Dorothy Maciag-Zwolski
- Erika Mendonca-DeSilva
- Joanne Robillard
- Vanessa Boila
Congratulations to our newly CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL Members:
- Emily Theobald, CRS
- Jodie Hebbard, CRS
- Laura Frangella, CES
- Tracy McDonald, CRS
Much gratitude goes to all our other volunteers who work diligently throughout the year!