CPC Member Appreciation – MAY & JUNE 2010
July 14, 2010
Each of us is a being in himself and a being in society, each of us needs to understand himself and understand others, take care of others and be taken care of himself.
~ Haniel Long
CPC is proud to acknowledge the following individuals for being such an important part of this community.
New Members:
- Bud Goring
- Byron Thomas
- Cathy Leahy
- Christina Epondulan
- Didie Smith
- Gary Forbes
- Lora Totilo
- Mary Whitaker
- Michelle Meloche
- Paul Rose
- Saima Zuberi
- Sanglin Dong
- Shurla Charles Forbes
Renewing Members:
- Acer Alhashimi
- Andrew Lim
- Angela Kotlarchuk
- Barbara Stefaniak
- Carole Marinier
- Keri Gray
- Marilyn Curtis
- Paulette Gill
- Stephanie Sugamori
- Karen Mcgregor
Newly Certified:
- Andrew Lim, CRS
- Carol Biggin, CRS
- Paulette Gill, CRS