Congratulations to our 2011 Awards of Excellence Recipients!
It is my pleasure to announce our 2011 Awards of Excellence recipients. We had a record number of submissions this year and the competition was tight – proving once again that our membership comprises some of the very best of the best in the industry. Congratulations to all!
I’d also like to offer special thanks to our adjudication panel who were presented with the difficult challenge of selecting the recipients from the stellar nominations – this was not
an easy task!
We will announce when samples from this year’s winning submissions will be available for all Professional Members to view on the site. Here are this year’s Award of Excellence Recipients. Please do send them your congratulations:
2011 0utstanding Canadian Career Leader
- Maureen McCann
2011 Executive Director’s Award
Outstanding Volunteer Contributor to the Organization
- Cathy Milton
- Lita Pitruzzello
- Michael Thompson
2011 Outstanding Canadian Online Profile Developer
- Maureen McCann
2011 Outstanding Canadian Resume Contributor
Best New Graduate Resume Category
- Lisa Cartaginese
2011 Outstanding Canadian Resume Contributor
Best Career Change Resume Category
- Maureen McCann
2011 Outstanding Canadian Resume Contributor
Best Technical Resume Category
- Lisa Cartaginese
2011 Outstanding Canadian Resume Contributor
Best Executive Resume Category
- Adrienne Tom
2011 Outstanding Canadian Resume Contributor
Best Creative Resume Category
- Maureen McCann
Congratulations and thanks again to everyone who participated – it has been another fantastic year!
Melanie Schlotter
CPC Marketing and Communications
Congratulations to all the winners!