Career Exploration – Free Career Assessment Resources

Career exploration

Career development is a lifelong process, but most career practitioners have access to a limited number of career exploration assessments. Moreover, for most not-for-profit career services, the time and cost of administering a full battery of tests is prohibitive. The good news is that there are plenty of free career exploration and personality assessment resources available online.

In the past, career exploration was used primarily during secondary or post-secondary education. The goal was to guide and assist students in making informed choices when preparing to enter the work world. But these days, most adult workers recognize the long-term benefits of becoming lifelong learners as they deal with multiple career transitions.

The Ontario Curriculum for Guidance and Career Education is very much geared to emphasizing lifelong learning and continuous career planning. Teachers in Ontario make use of the Creating Pathways to Success program which encourages students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 to assess, plan, and adapt to continual career development.

The following career exploration resources list presents a variety of free, online self-assessments to assist individuals struggling with awareness of their skills, temperament, and abilities. The list was originally compiled in July of 2014 and it has been checked and updated as of June 2022 to ensure that all links are working. Some sites may require registration prior to completing a test.

Free Career Exploration Resources

Please note that we have done our best to provide a list of free resources. If you know of any new free assessments, or if you notice that any of these assessments now have a fee, please let us know and we will edit the list.

Clients who complete online assessments and aptitude tests will benefit from a debrief with a trusted career professional. Lack of post-assessment follow up may lead to confusion and uncertainty. Taking time to dialogue with clients builds stronger relationships, provides clarity, and positively affects employment outcomes. For many individuals, knowing their strengths and weaknesses opens the door to a wider range of employment possibilities.

In a rapidly changing economy where permanent positions have become rare, it has never been more important to be able to identify career possibilities. These career exploration resources can give participants a fresh look at their personalities, temperaments, skills, and possible career avenues.

If you’d like to learn current techniques, concepts, and strategies that you can use to support your clients’ employment goals, consider earning your Certified Career Strategist (CCS) credential through Career Professionals of Canada.

Pat Shepherd trained as a Career and Work Counsellor (CWC) at George Brown College and also has a B.Ed. in Special Education. As a certified Career and Employment Information Specialist (CEIS), she is passionate about providing the best research and resources for her clients. Pat is known for her commitment to discovering the unique skills and accomplishments of each individual. 

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash



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Fantastic list of resources that are now bookmarked in my browser. Thank you for your research!

Thank you for the list. Career Cruising, has traditionally been a fee based program. They became Xello a few years ago.