8 ways you can benefit from CPC today!


Wonder why so many Canadian Career Practitioners join CAREER PROFESSIONALS OF CANADA?

A membership with Career Professionals of Canada is an investment in your personal and professional development.

Here are 8 ways you can increase your connections, enhttps://careerprocanada.ca/MemberBenefits/hance your expertise, and raise your visibility today:

  1. Have your profile listed FREE in the Canadian Career Professionals Directory
  2. Attain your Resume, Interview, Employment and Career Credentials
  3. Join industry-leading Mastermind Mentoring Groups
  4. Get professional development throughout the year with Complimentary Webinars 
  5. Connect with colleagues and get professional advice through the Private Career Club
  6. Get featured as an Expert Canadian Career Blog Contributor
  7. Take advantage on deep discounts on Programs and Courses
  8. Apply to be nominated and receive an Award of Excellence

CAREER PROFESSIONALS OF CANADA is a leading Canadian association for career practitioners. Members are a diverse group of individuals including employment consultants, career coaches, resume writers, job developers, outplacement consultants, and a wide variety of other career professionals. Working together, we provide quality services, comply with a strict ethical standard, and offer career expertise to assist Canadians with successful career and business moves.

Gain contacts, credentials, and credibility with Career Professionals of Canada!



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