4 Tips for Promoting Your Blog

4 Tips for Promoting Your Blog

By Janet Barclay.

Not everyone who reads your blog is going to become a client. In fact, most probably won’t. For this reason, you need to proactively work on driving new traffic to your blog. Promoting individual blog posts via social media and email is important, but there are many other ways to attract new visitors to your blog. Here are just a few.

Guest post on other blogs that are read by your target market.

This is a great way to get your name and your expertise in front of someone else’s readers, who may then start reading your blog as well.

Before you approach someone about guest blogging or accept an invitation to be a guest blogger, ask yourself what you hope to achieve from your guest post, and whether the host blog is a good fit for you.

Once you’ve decided to proceed, apply all the same principles that you would when writing for your own blog. This includes promoting your guest posts as actively as you do your own.

Include a link to your blog on your social media profiles.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but I’ve seen many profiles where the only link is to the person’s main website. If you think about it, most people will be more interested in reading the articles you’ve written than in reading about your services. If you’re blogging strategically, your posts will demonstrate your expertise in a way that leads readers to know, like, and trust you. Then, and only then, will they be ready to do business with you.

Create a Pinterest board strictly for your blog, where you pin all of your posts.

This is a popular way to showcase your blog. Another option is to create a series of boards that correspond to your blog categories and organize your pins that way, mixing them in with pins from other sources. You could even do both!

Leave insightful comments on other blogs and forums that are popular with your target audience.

This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your subject knowledge. If you do it well, without giving a sales pitch, other people are apt to click through and read your blog.

In particular, look for blogs which use the CommentLuv plugin. When you comment on blogs that have this feature, it inserts a link to your most recent post, so there’s a good chance that the title will catch the attention of other readers, who will then want to click through and read it.

On most blogs, comments are displayed in chronological order, so it’s a good idea to comment early so your comments don’t get buried, especially if the blog is really popular.

Please use your real name when you’re commenting. You can put your business name next to your name if you like, but don’t just put your business name. People want to network with you, not your business!

Get a gravatar so your picture will show up next to your comments. Again, it just adds that personal touch.

What are you waiting for? Start promoting your blog right now by leaving a comment below. Let us know what you do to promote your blog.

Source: Your Organizing Business

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