10 Pandemic-Related Resources for Parents and Caregivers

mother with two young children having fun together

Managing your daily life during the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging enough, but if you care for one or more children or older parents, it gets even more complicated.

To help you through this time, I’ve gathered several videos and downloadable PDFs to help you give your loved ones the home schooling and emotional support they need right now.

Home Schooling

  • Parents are getting creative during COVID-19 isolation – Yahoo Finance

Sharing Information with Children

  • Talking to Kids about COVID-19 – American Academy of Pediatrics

Managing the Stress of Family Members

Caring for Older Adults

By this time, you may have already developed a few tools and techniques that are working well for you. If so, please share them in the comments or on our Facebook group.

Janet Barclay is a former employment counsellor who supports Career Professionals of Canada as technology manager, and many of its members with her web design services and website care plans.  When she’s away from her desk, she enjoys reading, photography, cooking, watching movies, spending time with her family, and walking her dog.

Photo by imtmphoto on 123RF

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