Lori Jazvac MCRS: Newest Member of an Elite Professional Group


By Cathy Milton.

Lori Jazvac of Creative Horizons Communications recently became the newest member of a small, elite group of CPC members. Lori has earned the prestigious Master Certified Résumé Strategist (MCRS) designation.

What made you want to pursue the MCRS designation?

I was serious about taking my skills to an advanced level in order to offer my clients the very best résumé and career services possible. I also wanted to set myself apart as a Master Certified Résumé Strategist through Career Professionals of Canada. After all, clients  expect nothing less than the highest, most advanced standards in résumé writing, especially when they’re applying for jobs in such a competitive job market.

What did you learn that really stood out for you?

I learned that crafting a Master-level résumé package involves a combination of many elements – content, design, format, and style – and a strategy on how to best position your client for his or her next career move. It involves thinking very strategically, especially when helping clients navigate career transitions, but also understanding how to draw the reader’s eye to key résumé content by balancing specific details, especially solid achievements/results, concisely, and design elements, powerfully. I also learned that there is always room for improvement.

Now that you’ve earned the MCRS designation, what benefit do you envision for yourself and your clients?

My clients will benefit because I’m now confidently equipped to more efficiently and effectively help position them for rewarding opportunities. I’ll benefit because I have expanded my professional skills by having received high-quality, accredited training that emphasized best practices along with strategic résumé writing techniques.

What insight would you offer to other careerpros who are considering pursuing the MCRS designation?

If you want to take your résumé writing skills to the next level, consider working towards your MCRS one step at a time. Focus on improving your résumé writing skills each day. I completed the Advanced Résumé Development course prior to pursuing the MCRS and it helped me improve my skills by 40+%. I determined this by tracking the increase in my business and client referrals in the months following successful completion of the course.

Continue learning, growing, and innovating. Ask yourself challenging questions and reflect on how you can make every résumé package better. Don’t be afraid to experiment. A little splash of colour and creativity goes a long way to making a résumé really stand out.

When a client says, “Wow, this résumé is awesome! This is so unique, and I’ve never seen anything like it before!” (comments that I have received), I know that I have done my job. I’ve successfully conveyed the client’s unique value to prospective employers and recruiters, which is a big step in furthering job search goals.

The prestigious Master Certified Résumé Strategist (MCRS) designation is reserved for the top strategists in our profession. Once you have been awarded your Certified Résumé Strategist (CRS) you may apply for the MCRS designation if you feel that you are qualified and wish to do so. There is no renewal fee to maintain your certification, but you must continue to be a registered professional member of CPC. If you’re interested in earning Master-level résumé strategist skills, please call CPC directly at 866-896-8768.

Photo: CPC Mastermind, Lori Jazvac, MCRS

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Lori another huge success for you.
Well done

Thank you, Gayle, for your support 🙂

Congratulations Lori on your achievement!

Thank you, John!

Happy Canada Day to everyone today 🙂


Thank you, Andy 🙂